Sunday 29 November 2015

Truth Seeker vs Blind Follower

Difference between Truth Seeker and Blind Follower:

Truth seeker follows the “Concept”. Blind Follower follows the “person”. 

Truth seeker focuses on “What is Right”. Blind Follower focuses on “who is right”.

Truth seeker logically asks “questions”. Blind Follower accepts “illogical answers”. 

For Truth seeker “Truth becomes Belief”. For Blind follower “belief becomes truth”.

Every proven wrong belief Brings him “Close to Truth.” For Blind follower Every wrong belief drags him “away from truth”.

Sunday 17 May 2015

Sanjeevani buti :

ajit vadakayil writes that Hanuman brought Sanjeevani buti from a mountain of kerala, Pseudo religious he is turned out therefore he needs to make his own versions of ramayan and mahabharat.

Valmiki ramayan clearly says that "Hanuman Brings Sanjeevani Buti from the great Himalayas in order to heal the wounds of the monkey chiefs who were lying senseless as a result of the deadly weapons shot at them by Indrajit."

even today a patch of darker soil surrounded by brown earth. 

Exotic alpine Himalayan species are found suddenly amidst tropical Sri Lankan vegetation, the legacy of Hanuman’s heroic voyage carrying a mountain with life-restoring herbs.

Hanuman brought entire peak of himalaya, that is why in that particular area of lanka himalayan vegetation is found (NOT THE VEGETATION OF KERALA mr. ajit)

"The mountain is called Romosola, or Sumeru Parvat, which is situated on the coast of Sri Lanka.
 If one travels by an aeroplane or helicopter, he will find that this type of mountain is not found anywhere else on Sri Lanka’s entire coastline."

Aloe vera is not the sanjivini plant which ajit lies, because aloe vera is available all over india & sanjiveeni was only at Himalayan mountains.
I recommend his family member to cure he is phobias.
I corrected and exposed his mistakes many times through comments below his posts with references he ignored me many times and keep copying from conspiracy theorist of the europeans and americans ajit vadakayils.

Soon i ll be correcting his mistakes in his posts like
AGNIHOTRA - agnihotra method which he talks about is copy paste from vasant paranjpe's website. Vasant paranjpe edited and deleted more than 95 % of the Original Agnihotra mantra in order to make it simple for illiterate farmers who struggles to recite sanskrit mantras.

many more mistakes in his posts related to BHAGAVAD GITA, PEEPAL TREE, BANYAN TREE , HEMP , ANCIENT GREEK etc.

aloe vera is very much medicinal
(The ark of the aloe vera can revive the Failed Liver.)